Some troubles in English arise from the fact that there are many words which sound almost the same but are spelt differently. There are of course too many such words to be included in a complete list. Here is a selection of some words similar in sound but different in their spellings:
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Air ➤ gas
Heir ➤ a person having the legal right to receive someone's property, money, etc., after his death
Ere ➤ before
Airy ➤ open to the air
Aisle ➤ a passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, train etc.
Isle ➤ an island
Ail ➤ to cause problems
Ale ➤ a type of beer
Aloud ➤ in a voice that other people can hear
Allowed ➤ let someone/something do
Altar ➤ a holy table in a church or temple
Alter ➤ to change
Analyst ➤ a person who analyses
Annalist ➤ a person who writes annals
Antic ➤ odd
Antique ➤ ancient
Arc ➤ part of a circle or a curved line
Arch ➤ a curved structure that supports the weight of something above it
Ark ➤ a large boat which Noah built
Aria ➤ a song for one voice
Ascent ➤ climbing up
Assent ➤ agreement, to agree
Ash ➤ the grey or black powder
Ass ➤ a donkey; a stupid person
Bail ➤ surety
Bale ➤ a large amount of a light material pressed tightly together
Bait ➤ food put on a hook to catch fish etc.
Best ➤ money on a race or an event by trying to predict the result
Baron ➤ a lord
Barren ➤ infertile, not producing fruit or seed
Barter ➤ to exchange goods etc., for other good
Butter ➤ a soft yellow food made from cream of milk
Beach ➤ the shore of the sea
Beech ➤ a tall forest tree
Berth ➤ a place to sleep on a ship or train
Birth ➤ the process of being born
Born ➤ given birth to
Borne ➤ carried (past participle of bear)
Bourn ➤ boundary, limit
Bare ➤ uncovered
Bear ➤ a heavy wild animal (noun), accept or deal with (verb)
Bier ➤ a frame on which the dead body is carried at a funeral
Biff ➤ hit someone hard with one's fist
Boarder ➤ a person who pays money to live in a room in someone else's house
Braid ➤ a plait of hair
Bread ➤ a type of food made from flour
Brayed ➤ past tense of bray'
Bore ➤ past tense of 'bear' (v.), a person who is very boring or annoying (n.)
Boar ➤ a wild pig
Bridal ➤ connected with a bride or a wedding
Bridle ➤ set of leather bands attached to reins
Burro ➤ a small donkey
Burrow ➤ to make a hole in the ground by digging (v.) a hole in the ground made by animals (n.)
Borough ➤ a town or part of a city that has its own local government
Borrow ➤ to take and use something that belongs to another and return it to them at a later time
Canon ➤ a Christian priest; a generally accepted rule
Cannon ➤ an old type of large heavy gun
Canvas ➤ a strong rough heavy material used for making tents, sails, etc.
Canvass ➤ to solicit votes
Carat ➤ a unit for measuring the weight of gold
Carrot ➤ a long pointed orange root vegetable
Cession ➤ the act of giving up land or rights
Session ➤ a period of time spent doing a particular activity
Cast ➤ throw
Caste ➤ social status by birth
Cite ➤ to mention or quote
Sight ➤ a view that one sees, act of seeing
Site ➤ a place where a building is to be located
Carriage ➤ a separate section of train for carrying passengers
Courage ➤ bravery
Complement ➤ to add something to make more attractive
Compliment ➤ a remark that expresses praise or admiration of someone
Coarse ➤ rough, vulgar
Course ➤ a series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject
Cord ➤ strong thick string or thin rope
Chord ➤ two or more notes played together
Council ➤ an assembly
Counsel ➤ a barrister; advice
Corps ➤ a military force
Corpse ➤ dead body
Dairy ➤ a place on a farm where milk is kept
Diary ➤ a book with is space for each day of the year to write down things to do in the future
Die ➤ to stop living
Dye ➤ To change color
Dance ➤ a series of movements and steps that are performed to music
Dunce ➤ a person who is stupid or slow to learn
Deep ➤ having a large distance from the to the bottom
Dip ➤ to put something quickly into a liquid and take it out again
Defy ➤ to refuse to obey or show respect
Deify ➤ to treat or worship as a deity
Descent ➤ and action of coming or going down
Dissent ➤ to differ
Degrease ➤ to remove grease or oil
Degrees ➤ units for measuring angles
Desert ➤ a large area of land that has very little water and very few plants
Dessert ➤ sweet food is eaten at the end of a meal
Deviser ➤ One who invents something new or a new way of doing something
Divisor ➤ a number by which another number is divided
Diverse ➤ very different from each other and of various kinds
Divers ➤ of many different kinds
Don ➤ a teacher at a university, Oxford or Cambridge; to put clothes, etc. on
Dawn ➤ the time of day when light first appears
Draft ➤ a rough written version of something that is not yet in its final form
Draught ➤ a flow of cool air in a room or other confined space
Dew ➤ small drops of water that form on the ground
Due ➤ caused by or because of someone/something
Ear ➤ the organs that one hears with
Year ➤ a period of 12 months
Fair ➤ beautiful